Pet Proofing your home
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Preventing Accidents in Pet-Friendly Areas
Importance of Prevention
Proactive Safety Measures
Preventing accidents is paramount; conducting safety assessments in areas frequented by animals is crucial.
Identifying Potential Hazards
Areas Requiring Vigilance
- Garden Fences: Ensure secure fencing to prevent escapes.
- Garden Chemicals: Beware of substances like slug pellets that may be toxic to pets.
- Potentially Toxic Plants: Identify and remove plants harmful to animals.
- Windows: Safeguard against falls or injuries.
- Outdoor Glass Tables: Minimize collision risks with glass furniture.
- Outdoor Electrical Connections: Prevent electrical hazards in outdoor spaces.
- Heaters: Avoid burns, shocks, and injuries related to heaters.
- Shelves: Secure shelves to prevent them from falling.
- Electrical Cables: Conceal or secure cables to prevent chewing or tripping hazards.
- Front Door: Ensure safety at entry points to prevent pets from escaping.
- Stairs: Make staircases safe and accessible for pets.
- Cookers: Prevent burns or accidents related to cookers.
- Kettles: Keep kettles and hot objects out of reach to avoid burns.
- Knives: Store knives securely to prevent access by pets.
- Electrical Appliances: Safeguard appliances against potential mishaps.
- Gas Boilers: Address fumes and safety concerns related to gas boilers.
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