Car Accidents
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Dealing with Animal Accidents Near Roads
Avoiding Accidents with Cars
- Leash Your Dog: Keep your dog on a lead when on or near the road.
- Caution with Vehicles: Be careful when loading or unloading pets into vehicles.
Reporting Collisions with Animals
Legal Obligations and Responsibilities
- Immediate Reporting: If you collide with certain animals (e.g., Dog, Horse, Pig, Sheep, Goat, Donkey, Mule, or Cattle), stop and report the incident to the police promptly.
- Remain at the Scene: Stay at the scene until permitted by the police, regardless of the animal's condition.
- Witnessed Incidents: If you witness an accident and the driver flees, record their registration number and report to authorities.
Providing First Aid to Injured Animals
Ensuring Safety and Prompt Care
- Seek Veterinary Assistance: Locate and contact a local vet for guidance.
- Follow Veterinary Advice: Abide by the vet's recommendations for treatment.
- Safely Transporting Injured Animals: If necessary, use your car parcel shelf or mat for transportation.
- Contacting the Owner: In the case of a dog, try to reach the owner if possible.
- Maintain Calm and Warmth: Keep the animal calm, warm, and minimize excessive movement.
- Bleeding Control: Address any bleeding appropriately.
- Be Cautious: Injured animals may act unpredictably, so approach them carefully to avoid bites or scratches.
- Avoid Medications or Food: Refrain from giving any substances that may interfere with veterinary treatment.
Assisting at the Veterinary Practice
- Notify the Vet: Ensure the vet is expecting your arrival to expedite the animal's care.
- Prompt Care: Timely assistance upon arrival at the vet's practice.
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Blizzard Veterinary Blanket Wrap - Medium
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Collaclot Haemostat Dressing
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Foil Blanket - Pack of 10
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Pet Plus Advanced First Aid Kit in Zip Bag
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Porta-Bowl - Portable Dog Water Bowl
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Pet Premium Recommended First Aid Kit
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Pet Advanced Recommended First Aid Kit
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Collaclot Haemostat Dressing
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