Security Dog First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

73 videos, 3 hours and 35 minutes

Course Content

Course introduction

Video 1 of 73
2 min 37 sec

Welcome to the Security Dog First Aid Level Two Course

Welcome to the Security Dog First Aid Level Two video online course from ProTrainings. This course is meticulously designed to meet the learning outcomes of NASDO (National Association of Security Dog Owners). It is suitable for all types of security dog handlers, including those with sniffer dogs, detection dogs, guard dogs, and police dogs.

Course Overview

Keeping your dogs safe is crucial, and knowing how to respond in an emergency could save their life. While first aid does not replace professional veterinary care, it equips you with essential skills to treat your dog and alleviate pain and suffering in urgent situations.

What You Will Learn

Throughout this course, you will:

  • Watch a series of instructional videos.
  • Answer knowledge review questions.
  • Complete a brief final test.

You have the flexibility to start and stop the course at your convenience, and you can return exactly where you left off. Videos can be watched on any device, allowing you to begin on your computer and finish on your smartphone or tablet. You can also pin videos to the top of your screen for easy reference while reading the accompanying text. Subtitles are available by clicking the CC icon if needed.

Additional Features

If you answer any questions incorrectly, additional help will be provided to ensure you understand the material. Upon passing the test, you will receive your completion certificate and other downloadable resources, which can be printed from the course homepage.

We continually update our courses to include new material, so please check back regularly. You will have access to the course for eight months from your start date, even after you have completed the test.

Support and Company Solutions

For those responsible for staff training, we offer free company dashboards. For more information on our company solutions, please contact us via email, phone, or use our online chat facility.

Although this course is delivered online, we provide a comprehensive support package throughout your training. Additionally, you will receive a weekly email every Monday morning to keep your skills fresh and to inform you of any new videos or updates added to the course. These emails will also include updates from our blog. You can choose to receive or opt-out of these emails at any time.

We hope you enjoy the course and thank you for choosing ProTrainings. Good luck!